
I started this blog as an experiment and challenge to myself: become a better online writer while using this venue to intellectually organize  some of the best content that comes my way during the day. To do this I needed to really pick a topic I care deeply about, which is edtech and eLearning for both k12 and higher education.  I am most interested in how social media is evolving and the opportunities and tensions it creates in traditional education structures.

My day job as is as an eLearning administrator at a University where I am also an Instructor in the Graduate School of Education.  A former middle school teacher, I am passionate about great teaching and helping teachers.

I am not a serial blogger but I micro blog daily on Twitter.  You can follow me @rpetersmauri

Thanks for reading and I hope you will continue to follow along.

-Rebecca Petersen

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Nice blog! I myself used to host my tech & gadget blog here on WP.com (moved last month). I think I’ll subscribe to this blog, I like it already! Don’t stop posting! I would love to hear back from you (via email).

  2. I’m a writer for onlinedegrees.org and I’m including you on my list of the top 100 technology blogs for teachers. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about your blog, please write me an e-mail and include your name and title of your blog, thanks ahead of time!

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